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Getting affected by Covid-19 may also depend on your blood type, a study suggests

A new study suggests that your blood type may also increase the risk of getting infected by COVID-19. It suggests that people with blood type A may have a higher risk of getting affected (i.e. 50%) compared to blood type O which had 50% less chance of getting infected due to COVID-19.

Earlier two studies had already suggested the possibility of blood types being linked to people getting affected due to COVID-19 (dated March 27 and April 11), which were not peer-reviewed.

In this new study (dated June 17), researchers identified two regions in the genome where genetic variants were linked to severe cases of COVID-19 and a higher risk of death; in one of these regions was a gene that determines blood type. They published their findings in the New England Journal of Medicine.

For the full article, click here.



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